USN students take home Scholastic Writing Awards

Nineteen students were recognized in the regional Scholastic Writing competition. The two Gold Key pieces, Amelie Soslow's ’25 writing portfolio and Mei Tyson's ’26 poem, will go on to national judging.
By HS English Department Chair, Freya Sachs

For the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, our writers' work gets sent to the South Region at Large for judging so that it can be read alongside work from all over the Southeast. This year, we had 25 pieces recognized in the regional competition; the two Gold Key pieces — Amelie Soslow's Writing Portfolio and Mei Tyson's poem — will go on to national judging. Students in grades 8-12 all had work recognized. Thanks to all of you who support our writers, in the classroom and beyond it, throughout their time at USN. Please congratulate these writers when you see them! 

Gold Keys:
Amelie Soslow ’25, Writing Portfolio, Gold Key
Mei Tyson ’26, Poetry, Gold Key

Silver Keys:
Cameron Boros ’25, Novel Writing, Silver Key
Saawan Duvuri ’26, Journalism, Silver Key
Ava Kavalali ’26, Flash Fiction, Silver Key
Caroline Keiper ’25, Poetry, Silver Key
Quinn Lindley ’27, Poetry, Silver Key
Amelie Soslow ’25, Poetry, Silver Key
Mei Tyson ’26, Poetry, Silver Key

Honorable Mentions:
Roshni Bandyopadhyay ’29, Personal Essay & Memoir, Honorable Mention
Cameron Boros ’25, Poetry, Honorable Mention
Alder Brandon ’27, Short Story, Honorable Mention 
Saawan Duvuri ’26, Poetry, Honorable Mention
Carmen Gaskin ’25, Journalism, Honorable Mention
Alice Littlehale ’26, Critical Essay, Honorable Mention
Sparrow Lucca ’28, Poetry, Honorable Mention
Sparrow Lucca ’28, Flash Fiction, Honorable Mention
Agnes McLemore ’26, Critical Essay, Honorable Mention
Adeline Miller ’28, Poetry x2, Honorable Mention
Eleanor Molvig ’25, Flash Fiction, Honorable Mention
Falcon Reed ’27, Poetry, Honorable Mention
Ellie Rothman ’25, Short Story, Honorable Mention
Coco Shephard ’27, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Honorable Mention
Susie Zhao ’28, Personal Essay & Memoir, Honorable Mention 

Read Mei Tyson's award-winning piece here.

Read Amelie Soslow's award-winning piece here.


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University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.