What is the Tiger Give Back Challenge?
The Tiger Give Back Challenge is one of the most important days of the year for our school. It’s a special day of "fun-raising" when all in the USN community are asked to make a monetary donation to the school we love so much.
When is the TGBC?
Typically, the TGBC is in late March each year.
We plan to hold the next TGBC on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
Where can I make my donation?
During the days surrounding the TGBC, our special giving link will be provided above - please scroll up!
To what do these donations go?
Every donation made during the Tiger Give Back Challenge goes to USN’s Annual Fund, which is a crucial part of the school’s budget. The Annual Fund edifies all parts of the school – academics, athletics, and arts – and does so year over year.
Those who contribute to the Annual Fund rest assured that their generosity provides student financial assistance, books, sports equipment, art supplies, building improvements, salary and benefits for faculty and staff, and much more. We like to say that every dollar supports every Tiger every day.
Who is asked to donate?
All who are part of the school are asked to give to the school. This includes alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents and other relatives of current students, parents and other relatives of former students, friends of the school, and more.
In years past, donations have been received from coast to coast and even from distant parts of the world. All who are part of the USN community are encouraged to give, as every gift strengthens the school now and in the future.
I don’t feel like I can make much of a difference with my donation. Should I still give?
Yes! No matter their size, all gifts are important, all gifts are appreciated, and all gifts make a difference. In the Tiger Give Back Challenge, the most important number is not total dollars raised, but total gifts made, and a gift of any amount is received as a sign of appreciation and support for the school.