Winter weather reminder

Should snow or ice alter the school day, expect to receive a USN Alert by 5 a.m. This information will also be posted on the homepage and the school's official social media accounts as well as shared with local broadcast stations. Be sure your wireless number is listed correctly in the directory to receive USN Alerts. Also, share your snow day fun by emailing or using #USNsnowday; we especially appreciate photos of the USN community wearing school gear.
By Juanita I.C. Traughber, Director of Marketing & Communications

In the event USN will delay opening or not hold school for the day due to inclement weather, we will post an announcement on and the school's official social media accounts, share this information with WKRN (Channel 2), WSMV (Channel 4), and NewsChannel 5, and send an email. This information should be accessible by 5 a.m. These methods also are used when school closes early, although that decision may be made during the day.

Families will also be notified with a USN Alert, which sends text messages, voice calls, and emails to parents and guardians for enrolled students. Please visit your student's profile to review the wireless phone numbers and email addresses USN has on file for your family. These messages will not be sent to those listed as "emergency contacts."

When USN is closed
  • Sports practices & competitions, extracurricular activities, and special events are canceled.
  • After School and Middle School After School are not open when USN cancels school for inclement weather.
When USN has a delayed opening
  • Please be mindful of road conditions in your neighborhood and use discretion. Exercise caution and consider personal safety as your first priority.
  • USN morning buses do not run.
  • Families may begin dropping off students at 9:30 a.m.
  • Classes begin at 10 a.m.
  • After School and MSAS are not open before school begins and will open at 3 p.m. as usual.
When USN closes early
  • Sports practices & competitions, extracurricular activities, and special events are canceled.
  • After School and MSAS stay open until the last child is picked up. Families are encouraged to come as soon as they can so USN staff can get home safely.

More USN News

List of 3 news stories.

  • The HS Quiz Bowl team celebrates its championship by posing for a photo after the competition.

    HS Quiz Bowl team remains state champs

    The USN Quiz Bowl team won the state championship for the third year in a row. Congratulations to Ophelia Cherry-Pulay ‘25, Penelope Graham ‘25, Daniel Guo ‘25, Rohan Ramachandran ‘25, Evan Giles ‘26, Jackson Green ‘26, Clover Horwitz ‘26, Mason Lack ‘26, Lucia Gellert ‘27, and Liam Mooney ‘28.
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  • USN's Mock Trial team poses for a photo at the District Competition.

    Mock Trial teams compete at district tournament

    USN sent two teams to the District Mock Trial Competition in February, and our A Team secured an invitation to the state tournament. Congratulations to Most Valuable Players Evan Giles ‘26 and Bronson Schmidt ‘25 as well as Ophelia Cherry-Pulay ‘25, who was awarded Best Attorney for the Defense for the entire tournament.
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  • See you March 24 at the Downtown Derby

    Help us pack the stadium at Hawkins Field and cheer on our High School boys baseball team as the Tigers take on Franklin Road Academy on Monday, March 24.
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USN Mission: 
University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.