
Identity & Belonging

Discovering YourselfFinding Community

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are key elements of life at 2000 Edgehill. Lower School’s identity curriculum, Middle School lessons on history through an antiracist lens, and High School’s flourishing affinity groups represent our commitment to celebrating the identities of the many individuals within our community and every aspect of a USN education. 

The Office of Diversity and Community Life works with the entire USN community to create, maintain and enhance an inclusive educational experience for all. Many of the topics, areas of discussion, and educational opportunities center on cultural identifiers including but not limited to ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status (class), body image (lookism), educational background, academics/social achievement, family of origin or family makeup, geographic or regional background, language, learning style, beliefs (political, social, religious), and globalism/internationalism.

A Sense of BelongingAffinity Groups

Middle & High School students and K-12 parents have opportunities to join affinity groups, which provide an opportunity for sharing and exploring experiences within safe and supportive spaces. Participants self-identify and can speak to that group’s collective racial or ethnic identity from the “I” and “we” perspective. These groups were founded and are led by students and parents with support from ODCL and faculty.

  • Black Parent Network
  • Hispanic or Latinx Association, known as HOLA
  • HS Asian Affinity Group
  • HS Black Student Union
  • HS Feminism Club
  • HS Gender & Sexuality Alliance
  • HS Jewish Student Union
  • HS Latino Affinity Group
  • HS Middle Eastern Affinity Group
  • MS Asian Affinity Group
  • MS Black Culture Club

DEI Report

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Roderick White

    Roderick White 

    Director, Office of Diversity and Community Life
    615 277-7480
    Trevecca Nazarene University - BA
    Nashville School of Law - J.D.
    At USN since: 2015
USN Mission: 
University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.