Textbook buyback ends May 24, donations welcome

The USN Bookstore will purchase textbooks that will be used next school year for a credit on your students’ school account, or families can donate textbooks to the school’s lending library.
by Susy Gillette, bookstore manager
The USN Bookstore will buy back used textbooks weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. through Friday, May 24. A yellow buyback form is available in the High School Office and the Bookstore and must be completed for each textbook. Requirements and eligible textbooks are listed below.
Books will not be accepted after the last day of High School exams or if answers to questions or problems are written in the textbook. Sample books and foreign editions also are not accepted.
Drop off textbooks at the Bookstore with a yellow buyback form placed inside each book. Textbooks will be evaluated for the condition of excellent, good or fair according to specific buyback criteria. Rejected books will be disposed.
All books must be the same copyright edition as sold in the bookstore. A credit will be issued to the student account, and seniors will receive a check from the Business Office if there is a zero balance on the student’s account.
The bookstore also is accepting High School textbooks from all USN families who wish to donate to the Edward E. Ford Lending Library collection. Students donating books should complete a green form for each book. Donated books also should meet the buyback criteria above, and families will be issued a gift-in-kind receipt along with the gratitude of the school community. 
High School Textbooks Eligible for Buy Back
Science Textbooks
Biology, PH 2017
Biology, AP Edition (AP Biology)
Chemistry (Chemistry 1 & 2)
Chemistry: The Central Science 10th ed (AP Chemistry)
Math Textbooks
Advanced Algebra (Algebra 2)
Algebra and Trigonometry (Advanced Algebra 2)
Geometry, McDougal Littell (Geometry)
Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge (Advanced Geometry)
Precalculus: with Trigonometry Concepts (Precalculus) orange cover
Precalculus: with Trigonometry Concepts (Advanced Precalculus)green cover
Calculus: AP Edition (AP Calculus BC)
Stats: Modeling the World (AP Statistics)
Social Studies Textbooks
American Government, Brief, 11th ed. (AP American Government)
American History, A Survey (AP American History)
World Language Textbooks
Bien dit! Level 2 (French 2)
Bien dit! Level 3 (French 3)
Que chevere Level 3 (Spanish 3)

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University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.