Inclusive Celebrations at USN: Black History Month

USN Director of Diversity and Community Life, Roderick White shares his perspective on Black History Month and how USN is marking the occasion. Click here to help us recognize the many holidays and cultural observances celebrated within the USN community.
What’s the holiday?
Black History Month

Date(s): February 1, 2025 - February 28, 2025

Background on Black History Month
According to the Library of Congress, National Black History Month has its origins in 1915, when historian and author Dr. Carter G. Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. Through this organization, Dr. Woodson initiated the first Negro History Week in February 1926. Dr. Woodson selected the week in February that included the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two key figures in the history of Black Americans.

In 1986, Congress passed Public Law 99-244, which designated February 1986 as "National Black (Afro-American) History Month.”

"I am still of an age where I can remember the lack of education or in-depth conversations in my school journey around Black History Month growing up," said USN Director of Diversity and Community Life Roderick White. "I am proud to see people who do not identify as Black with a real knowledge and appreciation for my culture, it is a real sense of pride for me. "

What are the traditions associated with Black History Month?
Black History Month often serves as a period of reflection, learning, and celebration for the many contributions that African Americans have made to our society. Traditions associated with Black History Month include: learning about prominent African American figures, visiting Black history museums, attending cultural events, exploring Black art and music, reading books by Black authors, supporting Black businesses, sharing stories of Black heritage, and enjoying traditional soul food dishes. The litany of ways that people celebrate Black History Month are all aimed at celebrating the achievements and contributions of African Americans throughout history.

How does your family celebrate Black History Month?
"My family celebrates Black History throughout the year," said USN Director of Diversity and Community Life Roderick White. "My parents were very insistent that our family was not only informed, but also took pride in all of the accomplishments that Blacks were responsible for."

"My wife Latarsher and I, having met at Tennessee State University, both value the impact that education has on building a positive sense of self-worth and pride. We not only use media, such as movies directed by and starring Blacks, but also discuss the importance of watching those movies. We listen to music, pointing out in many cases the Black origins of popular songs, especially in the age of digital sampling. We also periodically test their knowledge of Blacks and their role in the history of this country, both in our own families and on the nation as a whole," said White. 

How does USN celebrate Black History Month?
USN celebrates Black History Month in a number of different ways.

"We have had classroom acknowledgement of the accomplishments of Black authors, mathematicians, scientists, composers, film directors, and others in all school divisions," said White. "We have guests, those who are/have been part of the USN community, as well as local, regional and national figures, who can talk, discuss, and educate our community about the continued importance of acknowledging the huge impact that Black people have had on this country, and continue to have." 

One of the highlights of Black History Month at USN is the annual celebration in After School. 

"Our Black Student Union works with our After School Director to present a program each year to our entire USN community, which has highlighted local performers from the Global Education Center, the Tennessee State University "Aristocrat of Bands", the "Divine 9" from Vanderbilt University, African Drumming groups, and many more," said White. "The most exciting part of that program is the involvement of our entire USN student body, who have been featured as MC's, singers, musicians, spoken word performers, and dance presenters." 

Why is it important for students and the community to recognize Black History Month?
"It is important because the history of Blacks in this country is not just relevant to other Black people, it is the history of this entire country. All people have benefitted from the efforts and accomplishments of Black people in the United States, and all people should know about those contributions. It is an acknowledgement that everyone in our USN community is educated about, and appreciative of the impact of Blacks on everyday lives. From the stop light to the refrigeration car, from the advent of jazz to the evolution of hip-hop, Black History Month is a time to celebrate and appreciate the lived experience of a large portion of the USN community. That is who USN is, a community that cares, honors and respects each other. Our differences make us unique, and that needs to be celebrated and respected." - Roderick White, USN Director of Diversity and Community Life.

The Office of Marketing & Communications is making a concerted effort to recognize the many holidays and cultural observances the USN community celebrates. Click here to let us know holidays and cultural observances you would like to help others in the USN community learn about this year.

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USN Mission: 
University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.